Mount Mogan
(From Visual China Group)
  Mount Mogan or Moganshan (Chinese: 莫干山) is a mountain located in Deqing County, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. It receives a variety of Chinese and foreign visitors for relaxation, hiking, and visiting a variety of scenic and historical spots. You can take a breather from the urban jungle and are able to clear your mind and feel at peace as you take in the serene atmosphere of nature surrounding you. You’ll visit the humble village of Moganshan, stroll through its many streets, drop by its many landmarks, and hike up Mount Mogan. Once you reach its summit, you’ll be standing above the clouds, and you can explore the gorgeous bamboo forests. The mountain’s name comes from a Chinese legend. In the Spring and Autumn period of 770-476 BC, the most talented swordsmith Ganjiang at that time and his wife Moye arrived in the mountains and cast and forged a pair of special swords on the demand of the Emperor of Wu, hence the name Mogan Mountains and the main tourist attraction Sword Pond. You can obtain more information at
  Hangzhou is not far from Deqing (about one hour's drive), and has many attractions, so it is also a good choice for travel.
(From Wikipedia)
  West Lake (Chinese: 西湖) is an iconic, symbolic sight in Hangzhou and is regarded as one of the most beautiful sights in China. In 2011 it was named a UNESCO World Heritage site, introducing it to the world as a must-see place to visit in China. The West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou, comprising the West Lake and the hills surrounding its three sides, has inspired famous poets, scholars and artists since the 9th century. It comprises numerous temples, pagodas, pavilions, gardens and ornamental trees, as well as causeways and artificial islands. These additions have been made to improve the landscape west of the city of Hangzhou to the south of the Yangtze river. The West Lake has influenced garden design in the rest of China as well as Japan and Korea over the centuries and bears an exceptional testimony to the cultural tradition of improving landscapes to create a series of vistas reflecting an idealized fusion between humans and nature. The Ten Scenes of West Lake (Chinese: 西湖十景) are the most famous views, as shown in the picture below. You can fully appreciate the beauty and expanse of the lake by taking a gondola, or simply by strolling or riding a bike around its circumference along stone-paved pathways. See more details at


  Located in the Yangtze River Basin on the south-eastern coast of the country, the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City (Chinese: 良渚古城遗址; about 3,300-2,300 BCE) reveal an early regional state with a unified belief system based on rice cultivation in Late Neolithic China. The property is composed of four areas – the Area of Yaoshan Site, the Area of High-dam at the Mouth of the Valley, the Area of Low-dam on the Plain and the Area of City Site. These ruins are an outstanding example of early urban civilization expressed in earthen monuments, urban planning, a water conservation system and a social hierarchy expressed in differentiated burials in cemeteries within the property. See more details at
  Lingyin Temple (Chinese: 灵隐寺) is a Buddhist temple of the Chan sect located north-west of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. The temple's name is commonly translated into English as Temple of the Soul's Retreat, which is a literal translation of the Chinese. It is one of the largest and wealthiest Buddhist temples in China, and contains numerous pagodas and Buddhist grottoes. In front of it are the Peak That Flew Here (Fei Lai Feng; Flying Peak) and the Cold Spring. Surrounded by the temple are majestic peaks and sky-reaching ancient trees; it is really a tourist attraction that can offer you attractive places of historic interest, cultural relics, as well as agreeable natural scenery with woods, flowers, springs, etc. See more details at
  Thousand-islet (Qiandao) Lake (Chinese: 千岛湖; 2.5-hour drive from conference venue) is a huge reservoir covering an area of 580 square kilometers on the upper reaches of the Xin'an River. It is an artificial lake formed as a result of being a reservoir for constructing Xin’an River Water Power Plant in 1959. It is known for its clear and sometimes drinkable water. The view of the river is a pretty sight for photography.  See more details at
  You can find more attractions at

Important Dates
Conference Date:
  October 16-20, 2023

Check-in Date & Welcome Reception:
  October 15, 2023

Abstract Submission Deadline:
  August 14, 2023
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